Scheduling an appointment to have your piano tuned or serviced has never been easier. If you’d like to do things the old-fashioned way, simply call and we can get you scheduled. If I am currently busy, you may have to leave a message. I will promptly return your call. If you’re internet savvy and looking… Read more »
Category: Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Paint My Piano?

Many times, when we see a painted piano, it is very poorly executed, often ruining the beautiful wood finish. I usually recommend against painting a piano unless it does not have any inherent value. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well the previous owner of this piano did with painting and… Read more »
What is a pitch raise or pitch correction?
When a piano has not been tuned is some time, usually 2 years or more, the piano will likely need something called a pitch raise or pitch correction before the final fine tuning. A pitch raise tuning is a rough “pre-tensioning” of the piano strings and “pre-pressurization” of the sounding board to create a more… Read more »