Scheduling an appointment to have your piano tuned or serviced has never been easier. If you’d like to do things the old-fashioned way, simply call and we can get you scheduled. If I am currently busy, you may have to leave a message. I will promptly return your call. If you’re internet savvy and looking… Read more »
Can I Paint My Piano?

Many times, when we see a painted piano, it is very poorly executed, often ruining the beautiful wood finish. I usually recommend against painting a piano unless it does not have any inherent value. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well the previous owner of this piano did with painting and… Read more »
1909 Conover Upright Grand

I had the pleasure of tuning this beautiful antique Conover piano. This piano had a brass flange rail. Many of the brass flanges had split and broken, causing the hammers to wobble in place. While the exterior case of this piano is in great condition for its age, the interior action is in need of… Read more »
1892 Mason & Hamlin Screw Stringer

I recently found this beautiful antique upright piano that I’ve decided to take on as a personal rebuild project. This Mason & Hamlin upright was built in 1892. It is a relatively rare piano because of the way it is tuned. Modern pianos are typically built with steel tuning pins driven into laminated layers of… Read more »
What is a pitch raise or pitch correction?
When a piano has not been tuned is some time, usually 2 years or more, the piano will likely need something called a pitch raise or pitch correction before the final fine tuning. A pitch raise tuning is a rough “pre-tensioning” of the piano strings and “pre-pressurization” of the sounding board to create a more… Read more »